Sunday, June 13, 2010

Be Still... Be Speechless



...ever have one of those moments when you long to rewind and redo?

If I could only carry out what is in my heart - but too often my mouth gets in the way (so went the morning as I simply wanted to express 'thanks' to someone special)...

I too often get in the way ... I am learning to BE STILL

"Be still and know that He is God" Steven Curtis Chapman


Denise Aumick said...

But we are only human - both as givers and receivers of much can be lost in the translation.

The homesteadingcottage said...

I love this perfect for today. I'm in the middle of that "be still and know" time myself.

There have been a few moments when a redo was desired, but lately I think a fast forward button would be better (: The trouble comes when my hands get in the middle of things. If I could just fast forward to the vision in my mind...oh, but that would be too easy and so many lessons would be missed. So in the meantime the art of being still and waiting on Him is learned.

Take care my friend and know that I'm praying for you (:
