** these interpretive portraits are part of a collection for display purposes only and are NOT FOR SALE**
See this post for progress on Jim Morrison: People are strange
and this post where I introduce the BiG Heads project.
Steven Tyler - NOT just another pretty face, in fact, a very unusual, almost malformed face. Fans love him - he is unmistakable.

(c)2009 blueyeduckstudios.com / katey-D [WiP]

(c)2009 blueyeduckstudios.com / katey-D [WiP]

(c)2009 blueyeduckstudios.com / katey-D [WiP]
As I struggled with him looking like a muppet baby, a gorilla, or maybe himself with a pinch of Tarzan tossed in...I also realized it is true that his eyes are close set and deep set - his nose is petite, and his trademark mouth is gigantic.

(c)2009 blueyeduckstudios.com / katey-D [WiP]
(c)2009 blueyeduckstudios.com / katey-D [WiP]
(c)2009 blueyeduckstudios.com / katey-D [WiP]

(c)2009 blueyeduckstudios.com / katey-D [WiP]
(c)2009 blueyeduckstudios.com / katey-D [WiP]

(c)2009 blueyeduckstudios.com / katey-D [WiP]

(c)2009 blueyeduckstudios.com / katey-D [WiP]
Check back for more features on this series.
And do stop by my ETSY store where my smaller art is always available affordably.
Joy in the journey,
The Lord does not look at the things man looks at. Man looks at the outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart. ~ I Samuel 16:7
Oh my. I'm impressed with these portraits you are doing. The large size is so tempting to me but so intimidating. I don't know why. I've done a couple of large wall murals, but I get intimidated by the large canvas. I plan to try some large stuff this year. Great work, Katey!!
Please continue to post your progress on this project. I am in absolute awe. Drawn to tears actually. I am impressed and envious all at once.
And...although I am a prude as well, I do like your subject matter!!
This large scale is fascinating, as your other art is rather on the smallish side.
Please, keep us informed!
Garden Painter Art
Thank you SO MUCH for the encouragement!!!
Kimmy - yes - these even amaze me [regarding size] since the last series of portraits I worked on was #1 ONE INCH SQUAREs and #2 watercolor!
what was I thinking?
I paint TiNY!!!
After these 5 I might have one more (they are deciding at the restaurant)and I think it will be ALice Cooper (very obvious, graphic, bold) ...
THEN I have a dozen 25" squares of more ROCK FACES... I see them being vibrant, electric, colorful... not like these large ones at all... yet... who knows...
Cris - you could paint a billboard with your eyes closed with your gifting - GO FOR IT! I'll be waiting to see!
whew - thanks again - the cheering on from you (such amazing artists) really lifts me up :)
I find Steve Tyler strangely attractive, I don't know how twisted that makes me! I do not like Aerosmith though, oh no!
(I think Jeff Goldblum is attractive too - people always laugh at this, what can I do?!)
You WIP is fab Katey, as always, and I'm glad you risked being vulnerable to show us *hugs*
Myabe we need to stop being too hard on ourselves (I don't mean ignore God and all He implies)and realise that we are WIP's too.. flawed, incomplete, maybe not worth that much to anyone else .. but on the way there (even if like me you are moving at a lot less than a snails pace).
Anyway, you know I love you sister,
God bless, Rasp xx
PS: as you always say, *joy in the journey*, maybe it's ok to have joy in that and not just joy when we get there, maybe we need to (He wants to) allow ourselves that.
Steven Tyler is o.k. but he looks a little too much like Kim Clement for my taste. Oooo, maybe they ARE the same person: Drug addict, making lots of money off people looking for a feel-good song and dance? AAAAaaaa!
I'm laughing at Kim Clement, thats funny!
God bless, Rasp x
Katey ~ Fabulous work. I sooo wish I could paint BIGGER than life. It seems my little aceos are about as big as I'm gonna get for now...LOL Just keep at it because you certainly have a handle on working outside the box!
Oh my gosh....fantastic!!!!
I've tagged you on my blog. Go to my blog for an explanation under today's date.
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