Wednesday, October 03, 2007

World War II (Ken Burns PBS)

Meet my Dad...
A young kid from Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania - who joined in to help stop the madness.

My Dad, Smitty, is on the far left - he said he and the guys sometimes rotated positions, but mainly he was the waist gunner. This B-17 is "Sack Time Sioux". Next to him are Strehlow and Croner.

Here is the entire crew... pictured in Deopham Green, England - where their bomb squadron, the 728th, began their missions.
Dad was part of the Mighty Eighth's 452nd Bomb Group.

Dad on the remains of the day.
German fighters spotted the squadron flying into Russia and came back with reinforcements for a bombing run which left our boys with nothing except a long 'walk' back home to England via North Africa and other places never before imagined by this steel mill boy.

Decorated and back home safe after 35 missions - my Dad.

If you missed Ken Burns 7-part film called simply THE WAR on PBS, please find it and watch with your children. God Bless America and our military and those who remember.

joy in the journey,


Psalm 103

ALL PHOTOS ARE COPYRIGHT (c) 2007 by the Smith Family Archives / Blueyeduck Studios


orion713 said...

What a sweet tribute to you Father and our other Veterans and current Military. :)

mousewords said...

A lovely tribute, Katey! What courage it takes to serve our country. And what a blessing that your Dad came back safely. :):)

My Dad jumped out of airplanes in the Army...his stories give me so much respect for our servicemen and women.

BLUEYEDUCKstudios said...

Thank you my friends.

Blessings to you both - I appreciate your warm and loving comments. I'll be sure to let my Dad (and Mom) know - xo

Gina M Smith said...

Very cool. My husband is a "Smitty." Thanks for the kind comments on my blog and music. Gina

Raspberry Grace said...

God bless and keep all those who serve in the military and their families too, He alone knows just how much they sacrifice for us.

Give your dad a hug for me Katey!

love, Rasp xx

artistjillian said...

Awesome Katey. I grew up with war stories, and the deepest of respect for these heroes. Unfortunately my Dad died at 18 from TB he contracted through the war, and his tales and photos are long gone.

I am so glad you are left with his memories and his love.


Francesca said...

A beautiful tribute KD. My father was in a tank regiment, mainly in North Africa. The courage of all these men humbles me.